


2 找到相应的文章后,如果有全文,直接去看,现在很多杂志都要求作者给出EMAIL的,找到EMAIL后,写信给他.如果那篇文献没有全文,可以以最后一个作者为检索词来查(一般最后一人都是通讯作者),应该可以找到此人的更多文献,应该总会有一篇全文的,那样就找到EMAIL地址了.

3, 多给几个人写信,大范围查找.

4 收到质粒后,一定要回去一封感谢信.并再次重申不会用于商业或临床目的.


Dear ….,
I am working on ……(工作背景). And one of my projects focuses on……..(工作内容)Isolating ROG cDNA seems to be a problem hard to get over for us(为什么要要). One of my graduates has been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress(一定以导师和教授口气写,学生写人家可能不愿意给). We are happy to find that your laboratory was the major source of the ROG cDNA in many publications. Therefore, I am writing to explore the possibility of getting ROG cDNA from your laboratory. If you were kindly offering us the DNA(pCI-ROG), it would be very helpful for us. Of course, the DNA will never be used for commercial purpose.We will acknowledge the DNA resource and cite your papers in all our publications based on the DNA. We are also willing to put you into the author list that’s necessary. Sure, We would like to sign any contract for the DNA transfer.
One of my graduates is waiting for the DNA to set up his experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,




